Class JavaClasses


public class JavaClasses extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final int VARIABLENAME_NUMBERACCURACY
      See Also:

      public static final String INTEGER_NUMBER_PATTERN
      The format of an integer.

      Has an optional negative sign and may contain one underscores followed by any number of digits.

      See Also:

      public static final Pattern INTEGER_PATTERN
      Matches an integer with an optional unit of radians or degrees.

      First, the actual number format num is specified. Then, an optional angle unit is specified. For this, the rad group is used. This specifies that the number is in radians. This is used to determine if the number should be converted to degrees. Degrees is not a named group because it just returns the value in the num group, which is the default behaviour. Optionally, the user can use x in degrees instead of x degrees.


      public static final String DECIMAL_NUMBER_PATTERN
      The format of a decimal number.

      Has an optional negative sign and may contain one underscores followed by any number of digits, in the whole part or the fractional part. The fractional part is optional. May be followed by a percentage sign, to indicate that the number is a percentage.

      See Also:

      public static final Pattern DECIMAL_PATTERN
      Matches a decimal number with an optional unit of radians or degrees.

      First, the actual number format num is specified. Then, an optional angle unit is specified. For this, the rad group is used. This specifies that the number is in radians. This is used to determine if the number should be converted to degrees. Degrees is not a named group because it just returns the value in the num group, which is the default behaviour. Optionally, the user can use x in degrees instead of x degrees.

  • Constructor Details

    • JavaClasses

      public JavaClasses()