
Skript is (surprise, surprise) a scripting plugin for the Bukkit platform. It is easy to use for simple tasks, but you can also create really complex things with it. The syntax of Skript is close to English, but it is still not magic. While you might succeed with experimentation for simple tasks, for anything more complex you will need some guidance.

This is Skript's documentation. You will find all supported features of the plugin here, along with some useful examples. We don't have tutorials yet, but you can find good ones using whatever search engine you prefer.

Quick Look

 command /sethome:
     permission: skript.home # Permission required for this command
     description: Set your home # Description of this command
     executable by: players # Console won't be able to run this command
     trigger: # The actual trigger/code that will run when someone do /sethome
         # Set a unique variable to sender's location
         set {home::%uuid of player%} to location of player
         # Send a message to the sender
         message "Set your home to <grey>%location of player%<reset>"
 command /home:
     permission: skript.home
     description: Teleport yourself to your home
         # Check if that variable we used in /sethome has been set (in other words, if player ever ran /sethome)
         if {home::%uuid of player%} is not set:
             message "You have not set your home yet!"
             stop trigger # stop the code here, lines below won't run
         # Teleport the player to their home
         teleport player to {home::%uuid of player%}
         send "&aYou have been teleported."

Latest Stable Version

Skript ${stable-version}

Latest Version

Skript ${latest-version}

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We are looking for docs authors! Currently, the only documentation is generated automatically. It would be nice to have some hand-written content such as tutorials on the docs as well. For example, currently we don't have a tutorial on how to use loops here; This makes it harder for newcomers to learn. Check this issue for more details and if you're interested in helping out.

Documentation Repo • Site developed by Ayham Al-Ali • Site Version ${site-version} • Generated on 01/10/2024