Class LoopSection

All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, SectionExitHandler, SyntaxElement

public abstract class LoopSection extends Section implements SyntaxElement, Debuggable, SectionExitHandler
Represents a loop section.
See Also:
  • SecWhile
  • SecLoop
  • Field Details

    • currentLoopCounter

      protected final transient Map<org.bukkit.event.Event,Long> currentLoopCounter
  • Constructor Details

    • LoopSection

      public LoopSection()
  • Method Details

    • getLoopCounter

      public long getLoopCounter(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
      event - The event where the loop is used to return its loop iterations
      The loop iteration number
    • getActualNext

      public abstract TriggerItem getActualNext()
      The next TriggerItem after the loop
    • exit

      public void exit(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
      Exit the loop, used to reset the loop properties such as iterations counter
      Specified by:
      exit in interface SectionExitHandler
      event - The event where the loop is used to reset its relevant properties