Class OperationInfo<L,R,T>

Type Parameters:
L - The class of left operand
R - The class of the right operand
T - The return type of the operation

public class OperationInfo<L,R,T> extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLeft

      public Class<L> getLeft()
    • getRight

      public Class<R> getRight()
    • getReturnType

      public Class<T> getReturnType()
    • getOperation

      public Operation<L,R,T> getOperation()
    • getConverted

      @Nullable public <L2, R2> @Nullable OperationInfo<L2,R2,T> getConverted(Class<L2> fromLeft, Class<R2> fromRight)
    • getConverted

      @Nullable public <L2, R2, T2> @Nullable OperationInfo<L2,R2,T2> getConverted(Class<L2> fromLeft, Class<R2> fromRight, Class<T2> toReturnType)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object