Interface SyntaxRegistry.ChildKey<I extends P,P extends SyntaxInfo<?>>

Type Parameters:
I - The child key's syntax type.
P - The parent key's syntax type.
All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Experimental public static interface SyntaxRegistry.ChildKey<I extends P,P extends SyntaxInfo<?>> extends SyntaxRegistry.Key<I>
Like a SyntaxRegistry.Key, but it has a parent which causes elements to be registered to itself and its parent.
  • Method Details

    • of

      @Contract("_, _ -> new") static <I extends P, P extends SyntaxInfo<?>> SyntaxRegistry.ChildKey<I,P> of(SyntaxRegistry.Key<P> parent, String name)
      Type Parameters:
      I - The child key's syntax type.
      P - The parent key's syntax type.
      parent - The parent of this key.
      name - The name of this key.
      A default child key implementation.
    • parent

      The parent key of this child key.