Interface InputSource

public interface InputSource
An InputSource represents a syntax that can provide a value for ExprInput to use.
See Also:
  • ExprFilter
  • EffSort
  • Method Details

    • getDependentInputs

      Set<ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInput<?>> getDependentInputs()
      A mutable Set of ExprInputs that depend on this source.
    • getCurrentValue

      @Nullable @Nullable Object getCurrentValue()
      The current value that ExprInput should use.
    • hasIndices

      default boolean hasIndices()
      InputSources that can supply indices along with values should override this method to indicate their ability.
      Whether this source can return indices.
    • getCurrentIndex

      default @UnknownNullability String getCurrentIndex()
      This should only be used by InputSources that return true for hasIndices().
      The current value's index.