Class EvtBucketEntity

All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, SyntaxElement

@Name("Bucket Catch Entity") @Description("Called when a player catches an entity in a bucket.") @Examples({"on bucket catch of a puffer fish:","\tsend \"You caught a fish with a %future event-item%!\" to player"}) @Since("2.10") public class EvtBucketEntity extends SkriptEvent
  • Constructor Details

    • EvtBucketEntity

      public EvtBucketEntity()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, int matchedPattern, SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
      Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
      Called just after the constructor
      Specified by:
      init in class SkriptEvent
    • check

      public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
      Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
      Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the left-click event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player left-clicked or not. This method will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
      Specified by:
      check in class SkriptEvent
      true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
    • toString

      public String toString(@Nullable @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, boolean debug)
      event - The event to get information from. This is always null if debug == false.
      debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
      String representation of this object