All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Predicate<Object>, Conditional<org.bukkit.event.Event>

@Name("Is Lootable") @Description("Checks whether an entity or block is lootable. Lootables are entities or blocks that can have a loot table.") @Examples({"spawn a pig at event-location","set {_pig} to last spawned entity","if {_pig} is lootable:","\tset loot table of {_pig} to \"minecraft:entities/cow\"","\t# the pig will now drop the loot of a cow when killed, because it is indeed a lootable entity.","set block at event-location to chest","if block at event-location is lootable:","\tset loot table of block at event-location to \"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon\"","\t# the chest will now generate the loot of a simple dungeon when opened, because it is indeed a lootable block.","set block at event-location to wool block","if block at event-location is lootable:","\t# uh oh, nothing will happen because a wool is not a lootable block."}) @Since("2.10") public class CondIsLootable extends ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition<Object>
  • Constructor Details

    • CondIsLootable

      public CondIsLootable()
  • Method Details

    • check

      public boolean check(Object object)
      Specified by:
      check in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition<Object>
    • getPropertyName

      protected String getPropertyName()
      Specified by:
      getPropertyName in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition<Object>