Interface Loopable<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
DefaultExpression<T>, Expression<T>, KeyProviderExpression<T>, KeyReceiverExpression<T>, Literal<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression, ExprBreedingFamily, ExprCurrentInputKeys, ExprDisplayBillboard, ExprDisplayBrightness, ExprDisplayGlowOverride, ExprDisplayHeightWidth, ExprDisplayInterpolation, ExprDisplayShadow, ExprDisplayTeleportDuration, ExprDisplayTransformationRotation, ExprDisplayTransformationScaleTranslation, ExprDisplayViewRange, ExpressionList, ExprFishingApproachAngle, ExprFishingBiteTime, ExprFishingHook, ExprFishingHookEntity, ExprFishingWaitTime, ExprFurnaceEventItems, ExprFurnaceSlot, ExprFurnaceTime, ExprItemDisplayTransform, ExprItemOfEntity, ExprLoot, ExprLootContext, ExprLootContextEntity, ExprLootContextLocation, ExprLootContextLooter, ExprLootContextLuck, ExprLootItems, ExprLootTable, ExprLootTableFromString, ExprLootTableSeed, ExprLoveTime, ExprQuaternionAxisAngle, ExprRotate, ExprSecCreateLootContext, ExprTag, ExprTagContents, ExprTagKey, ExprTagsOf, ExprTagsOfType, ExprTextDisplayAlignment, ExprTextDisplayLineWidth, ExprTextDisplayOpacity, ExprTextOf, LiteralList, LiteralString, ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression, ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SectionExpression, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString

public interface Loopable<T>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g.
    @Nullable Iterator<? extends T>
    iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
    Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator.
    default boolean
    Checks whether the expression allows using 'next loop-value' when provided as the iterator for a SecLoop.
  • Method Details

    • iterator

      @Nullable @Nullable Iterator<? extends T> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
      Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overridden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
      event - The event to be used for evaluation
      An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      See Also:
    • isLoopOf

      boolean isLoopOf(String input)
      Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an argument loop.

      You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

      input - The entered input string (the blank in loop-___)
      Whether this loop matches the given string
    • supportsLoopPeeking

      default boolean supportsLoopPeeking()
      Checks whether the expression allows using 'next loop-value' when provided as the iterator for a SecLoop.